Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ranger Fans Have Reached Breaking Point

John Buccigross at gives a generic, current state of the fan base for all 30 teams based on e-mails he has received from 2001 through 2010...

New York Rangers
Rangers fans are always a great group from which to receive e-mails. They are passionate and honest -- my favorite combination. They have reached a breaking point. They are frustrated and angry. They are upset by how this team was constructed under the salary cap and feel as if they are in prison. The Yankees don't have to worry about no stinking salary cap!

...while Rangers fans are unhappy with how this team is constructed, I think every Ranger fans would agree that the salary cap has actually saved the franchise from Sather's out-of-control spebding and being a complete and utter laughing stock.

...h/t to reader Ben.

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