Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Love for the Lurkers; Guest Blogger Contest Deadline

Just want to give a big thank you to all the lurkers who have stepped up since I called you out.

The comment section has been on fire lately in large part to the lurkers who have come out of the shadows to add their opinion and insight. It has added so much to the blog and I'm very appreciative.

Having said that I know there are plenty of you still lurking and I encourage you to join the conversation.

As far as the guest blogger contest, the submissions have been amazing and the response from the readers has been even better.

I have decided that Saturday, July 31st will be the last day I accept guest blog submissions. They have been coming in fast and furious and I'll have a new guest post every weekday until the middle of the first week of August.

I know a lot of you have e-mailed me saying you're working on your post so let's get them finalized and e-mailed (nyrfan94@yahoo.com) over to me as soon as possible.

Remember there's a Glass Bangers t-shirt on the line here.


Justin said...

Long time lurker,...first time... well, you get it.

I usually don't chime in on things because I don't necessarily have opinions that are any more or less valid than what's already up here.

That being said, thanks for the blog, love the easy to follow news links and thoughts on what's happening. I probably check in once a day at least.

Keep up the good work.

Kevin DeLury said...

Welcome Justin!!!

Snuser said...

Must admit I'm really enjoying participating. You do a great job Kevin - definitely my favorite spot to check up on my boys. I went to the Casino event back in February. Great event. Will email you some pics.

Kevin DeLury said...

That would be awesome Snuser. Send them to nyrfan94@yahoo.com.

Carlos said...

I'm outing myself as well. Love your blog, you cover the team well.